9 helpful apps for rebuilding your life after divorce

May 18, 2022

Rebuilding your life after divorce isn’t a simple task. It takes time, healing and a whole lot of self-love. And thanks to the wonders of technology, maybe an app or two, as well. 

While we know an app isn’t the solution to everything (it’s only an app, afterall), they can be handy tools to share knowledge and solve problems. 

Here are 9 we’d recommend to help you navigate your separation.

Apps for financial support

To help you reach your financial goals and track your spending, personal finance apps can be absolute lifesavers (especially if being in charge of your own accounts is a whole new world). 

  1. Pocketbook

Simple as punch, Pocketbook allows you to track, categorise and budget your spending. The app can also remind you of upcoming bills and provides handy tips to help you save just that little bit more. 

  1. Frollo 

Slightly more sophisticated than Pocketbook, once you download Frollo, you’re greeted with a quick survey to gauge how you feel about money and what your main goals are. From there, link your accounts and get an overview of your spending habits, receiving personalised tips based on your initial survey along the way.

  1. WeMoney

WeMoney is the award-winning personal finance app that takes things a step further. Features such as tracking your spending, creating budgets and being notified of bills are all available, but you can also check your credit score, see your superannuation, crypto and loans all in one place. 

Apps for co-parenting

If you’re new to co-parenting, we’d highly recommend using an app to simplify your communication and scheduling. Co-parenting can feel like a fulltime job. These apps can help to alleviate some of the stress. 

  1. Weparent

Straightforward and easy to navigate, Weparent has a messaging and calendar feature that makes it easy to communicate and align your schedule with your co-parent. As an admin, you can simply invite members to join your family, including your children if you’d like them to have access to the calendar. 

In your library you’ll find a place to build lists, share photos, contacts, notes and any documents. You can download Weparent for a free 14 day trial, afterwhich, the cost is  $159.99 annually or a one off payment of $319.99 for lifetime access. 

  1. Cozi Family Organiser

Setup with a single shared password, Cozi is best suited to those who simply need a shared calendar without all the added extras.

The free version offers the primary features, but if you’d like access to reminders, no ads, a monthly calendar overview and a birthday tracker, you’ll have to upgrade to Cozi Gold for $46.99/year. 

  1. TalkingParents

TalkingParents is the most advanced option for a co-parenting app. Perhaps the biggest standout feature is the ability to call or video chat without disclosing your phone number. Not only that, but all calls and messages are secure, unalterable and recorded, so everyone is held to account. 

You can also send and receive payments through the app, keep track of any shared expenses, and even scheduling future and recurring payments. 

And of course, TalkingParents has a calendar, journal and attachment library – so receipts and photos can be easily uploaded. 

There is a free version available, though only on the web. To access TalkingParents on mobile and to access extra features, it’s $9.99/month (per subscription) or $24.99/month for a premium subscription. 

Apps for wellbeing 

Rebuilding your life after divorce is going to come with high highs and lows. And while these apps aren’t any substitute for receiving advice from a healthcare professional, they can be useful when you need to take a moment for yourself to destress.

  1. Calm

If you have trouble winding down and getting to sleep, Calm is the app for you. Featuring guided meditations, peaceful songs to drift off to and sleep stories read by famous and calming voices, Calm is sure to help alleviate the stresses of a hard day. After a free 7 day trial, you can access the app for $7.99/year.

  1. Headspace

The slighter sunnier counterpart to Calm, Headspace is a similar app, boasting guided meditation courses, movement videos with instructors, sleep assistance (including sleep radio, sleep casts, meditations, soundscapes and stories for kids that need to wind down), and tools to help you focus. 

After your trial ends, you can access a monthly Headspace subscription for $19.99 or you can commit to an annual payment of $91.99. 

  1. Gratitude 

The Gratitude app seamlessly blends 5 amazing features in one app including: guided gratitude journal, daily affirmations, vision board to manifest your goals, and daily zen motivation quotes. This is a tool aimed at helping you to become more mindful to live life with intention and positivity.

After a free trial, you can access an annual subscription for $29.99.

When you’re ready here a few things we can help you with…

You can book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to discuss your situation and get answers to the issues causing you the most stress right now.

You can download our How to Survive the First 90 Days After Separation Guide which is jam-packed with easy, actionable steps you can take in the early days of your separation as you start to uncover and plan how you want to move forward.

You can connect with us on Instagram and Facebook where we share heaps of tips, tools and strategies to support you on your separation journey.


This article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or any other professional advice.

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