Combining legal expertise with exceptional emotional intelligence to untangle the most complex of relationships.

Combining legal expertise with exceptional emotional intelligence to untangle the most complex of relationships.

Meet your team

Amy Sanders-Robbins

Director & Family Law Accredited Specialist

Amy graduated from Griffith University with a degree in both Law and Psychology. Her expertise in both of these areas has shaped Bespoke Family Lawyers into the firm it is today.

Over the past 15 years (and counting), Amy has drawn on her background in both psychology and  law to expertly untangle complex parenting and financial arrangements (like family businesses, trusts and companies) and create personalised legal solutions that meet her clients’ needs and goals.

Bespoke Family Lawyers is the natural result of Amy’s passion to help others recover from separation and divorce, and move forward to live their best lives. 

Hi there, I’m Amy!

When I became a mother, I had an AHA moment and realised I could be a better family lawyer by expanding my focus beyond the legal stuff. After all there are so many facets of life to be figured out when you’re going through separation.

This realisation drove me to leave a comfortable role and found Bespoke Family Lawyers, so I could make this holistic approach a priority in how I practice family law. I haven’t looked back since.

Even though I help people through some of their most challenging times, there’s something special about seeing someone bravely pick themselves up and use the opportunity to transform their life. To become the master of their destiny again. I love witnessing and being a part of this transformation!

This is what I want for everyone who works with Bespoke Family Lawyers. 

I’ve helped more than 1000 people navigate their separation and divorce. Many of them have been business people and high net-worth individuals, but they’ve also been husbands and wives, parents and grandparents.

That’s why I work hard to understand their pain, stresses, and goals. This superpower helps me look more deeply into the solutions I’m creating to understand what has led people to where they are right now, what needs to be addressed to make their future path smoother, and how can I support them in moving forward to live their best life.

When I’m not using these superpowers at Bespoke Family Lawyers, you’ll find me hanging out with my family, painting, journalling, meditating (if I can turn my mind off), or enjoying a stroll along the beach or in the bush.  Time in nature takes me back to my country roots and re-energises me. 

Sarah Symons

Senior Family Lawyer

Our senior lawyer Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to the Bespoke Family Lawyers team.

Driven by a profound commitment to empowering her clients, Sarah believes that family law isn’t just about paperwork and courtrooms. It’s about people – their emotions, their futures, and their well-being. By taking a holistic approach to family law, Sarah is able to help our clients navigate the legal process and emerge stronger, ready to move forward.

Sarah’s experience spans the entire spectrum of family law, from intricate property disputes to complex parenting matters. Regardless of the client, she approaches each one with the perfect blend of legal expertise and genuine compassion, leaving a positive, lasting impact on the lives of our clients.

With a Bachelor of Laws from the University of the Sunshine Coast, Sarah is passionate about supporting women through the challenging experience of divorce and separation. Her work is more than just a job – it’s her passion.

When Sarah takes her lawyer hat off – you’ll find her unwinding with a good book. She loves camping, video gaming and her pet dog, Winnie.

Hi, I’m Sarah!

I’m dedicated to providing my clients with the best possible support through their separation by offering them the tools to empower themselves to move forward with clarity and certainty.

On my weekends, I spend time with my husband and our dog, and love nothing more than getting lost in a good book!

Xiaolan (Lisa) Zhang

Junior Family Lawyer

Our junior lawyer Lisa is passionate about helping people resolve their family law matters so they can move forward with certainty, clarity, and happiness.

Lisa joined the Bespoke Family Lawyers team in January 2024, coming from a general practice firm after realising she had a passion to specialise in family law.

Lisa’s love of research means that she loves deep-diving into the documents for each of our clients to ensure we are 100% across their financial circumstances so we can explore solutions that reflect their needs. This talent and commitment adds so much value to our clients and team.

Outside the office, Lisa is a strong advocate for personal wellbeing. She practices yoga and loves to try new restaurants in the city.

Hi, I’m Lisa!

I have a passion to improve the way families go through divorce and separation by providing them with the opportunity to make informed decisions, become empowered, and have access to emotional, financial and legal support.

With the right support and guidance, I believe it is possible for people going through separation and divorce to move forward and find joy in their lives again.

On my days off, you will find me doing yoga, enjoying a walk in the park or dining in one of Brisbane’s many fantastic restaurants.

Tanisha Gamer

Family Law Paralegal

Tanisha is passionate about Bespoke Family Lawyer’s holistic approach to the separation and divorce journey.  With unwavering compassion and dedication, Tanisha brings thoughtful guidance every step of the way, making sure each client’s experience is as smooth and compassionate as possible. 

In her role as a paralegal, Tanisha prioritises listening and understanding our clients. In her role as a paralegal, Tanisha prioritises listening and understanding our clients and their unique experiences. All through the legal process, from conducting thorough research to drafting necessary legal documents, Tanisha collaborates closely with our team of lawyers to streamline each client’s matter, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.  

All through the legal process, Tanisha collaborates closely with our team of lawyers to streamline each client’s matter, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. 

Hi, I’m Tanisha! 

I’m currently completing my paralegal services diploma. As a child of divorce, I intimately understand the emotional toll that family law matters can take. This firsthand knowledge fuels my passion for providing meaningful support to our clients beyond the mere legal aspects. 

The most rewarding part of my role is witnessing the positive transformations that our clients undergo as they navigate their separation. My role as a paralegal allows me to contribute to this process by ensuring that Bespoke Family Lawyers delivers organised and seamless assistance to our valued clients. 

When I’m not getting stuck into my studies or assisting our wonderful clients, I enjoy staying active at the gym, getting lost in the pages of a good book, or exploring new restaurants with my partner and friends.

Amanda Stinson

Client Support & Operations Manager

Amanda has worked in the legal industry since 2003, starting at a suburban personal injuries practice as a receptionist. She’s since worked for various firms, originally practising in Insurance Law, before moving on to discover family law with Amy in 2016.

Amanda joined the Bespoke Family Lawyers team in early 2019, having worked with Amy at her previous firm.

She has a Certificate IV in Business Administration and 17 years of legal and secretarial experience. She’s also a Registered Justice of the Peace (Qual).

Amanda wears many hats in our team and is our go-to person for support, making things happen and streamlining everything we do so we offer the very best to our clients.

Hi, I’m Amanda!

I absolutely love how rewarding our work is. It is sometimes really hard to see our clients trying to navigate a complicated issue with their Ex, but it’s very satisfying being able to (even in a small way) help them get back on track.

Every family situation is unique – there is definitely no “one size fits all” approach to family law. This makes our job interesting and challenging.

In my spare time, I love to take my camper trailer out with my family, relax with some craft, or tend to my garden.

Meet your team

Amy Sanders-Robbins

Director & Family Law Accredited Specialist

Amy graduated from Griffith University with a degree in both Law and Psychology. Her expertise in both of these areas has shaped Bespoke Family Lawyers into the firm it is today.

Over the past 15 years (and counting), Amy has drawn on her background in both psychology and  law to expertly untangle complex parenting and financial arrangements (like family businesses, trusts and companies) and create personalised legal solutions that meet her clients’ needs and goals.

Bespoke Family Lawyers is the natural result of Amy’s passion to help others recover from separation and divorce, and move forward to live their best lives. 

Hi there, I’m Amy!

When I became a mother, I had an AHA moment and realised I could be a better family lawyer by expanding my focus beyond the legal stuff. After all there are so many facets of life to be figured out when you’re going through separation.

This realisation drove me to leave a comfortable role and found Bespoke Family Lawyers, so I could make this holistic approach a priority in how I practice family law. I haven’t looked back since.

Even though I help people through some of their most challenging times, there’s something special about seeing someone bravely pick themselves up and use the opportunity to transform their life. To become the master of their destiny again. I love witnessing and being a part of this transformation!

This is what I want for everyone who works with Bespoke Family Lawyers. 

I’ve helped more than 1000 people navigate their separation and divorce. Many of them have been business people and high net-worth individuals, but they’ve also been husbands and wives, parents and grandparents.

That’s why I work hard to understand their pain, stresses, and goals. This superpower helps me look more deeply into the solutions I’m creating to understand what has led people to where they are right now, what needs to be addressed to make their future path smoother, and how can I support them in moving forward to live their best life.

When I’m not using these superpowers at Bespoke Family Lawyers, you’ll find me hanging out with my family, painting, journalling, meditating (if I can turn my mind off), or enjoying a stroll along the beach or in the bush.  Time in nature takes me back to my country roots and re-energises me. 

Sarah Symons

Senior Family Lawyer

Joining the team in 2024, our senior lawyer Sarah has a background in family law, conveyancing and estate planning.

Admitted as a solicitor in 2019, Sarah has a wealth of experience in helping her clients move forward after separation, giving them certainty and clarity along the way.

When she’s not wearing her lawyer hat, you’ll find Sarah reading, gaming, camping, or spending time with her dog, Winnie.

Hi, I’m Sarah!

I’m dedicated to providing my clients with the best possible support through their separation by offering them the tools to empower themselves to move forward with clarity and certainty.

On my weekends, I spend time with my husband and our dog, and love nothing more than getting lost in a good book!

Xiaolan (Lisa) Zhang

Junior Family Lawyer

Our junior lawyer Lisa is passionate about helping people resolve their family law matters so they can move forward with certainty, clarity, and happiness.

Lisa joined the Bespoke Family Lawyers team in January 2024, coming from a general practice firm after realising she had a passion to specialise in family law.

Lisa’s love of research means that she loves deep-diving into the documents for each of our clients to ensure we are 100% across their financial circumstances so we can explore solutions that reflect their needs. This talent and commitment adds so much value to our clients and team.

Outside the office, Lisa is a strong advocate for personal wellbeing. She practices yoga and loves to try new restaurants in the city.

Hi, I’m Lisa!

I have a passion to improve the way families go through divorce and separation by providing them with the opportunity to make informed decisions, become empowered, and have access to emotional, financial and legal support.

With the right support and guidance, I believe it is possible for people going through separation and divorce to move forward and find joy in their lives again.

On my days off, you will find me doing yoga, enjoying a walk in the park or dining in one of Brisbane’s many fantastic restaurants.

Tanisha Gamer

Family Law Paralegal

Tanisha is passionate about Bespoke Family Lawyer’s holistic approach to the separation and divorce journey.  With unwavering compassion and dedication, Tanisha brings thoughtful guidance every step of the way, making sure each client’s experience is as smooth and compassionate as possible. 

 In her role as a paralegal, Tanisha prioritises listening and understanding our clients. In her role as a paralegal, Tanisha prioritises listening and understanding our clients and their unique experiences. All through the legal process, from conducting thorough research to drafting necessary legal documents, Tanisha collaborates closely with our team of lawyers to streamline each client’s matter, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.  

 All through the legal process, Tanisha collaborates closely with our team of lawyers to streamline each client’s matter, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. 

Hi, I’m Tanisha! 

I’m currently completing my paralegal services diploma. As a child of divorce, I intimately understand the emotional toll that family law matters can take. This firsthand knowledge fuels my passion for providing meaningful support to our clients beyond the mere legal aspects. 

The most rewarding part of my role is witnessing the positive transformations that our clients undergo as they navigate their separation. My role as a paralegal allows me to contribute to this process by ensuring that Bespoke Family Lawyers delivers organised and seamless assistance to our valued clients. 

When I’m not getting stuck into my studies or assisting our wonderful clients, I enjoy staying active at the gym, getting lost in the pages of a good book, or exploring new restaurants with my partner and friends.  

Amanda Stinson

Client Support & Operations Manager

Amanda has worked in the legal industry since 2003, starting at a suburban personal injuries practice as a receptionist. She’s since worked for various firms, originally practising in Insurance Law, before moving on to discover family law with Amy in 2016.

Amanda joined the Bespoke Family Lawyers team in early 2019, having worked with Amy at her previous firm.

She has a Certificate IV in Business Administration and 17 years of legal and secretarial experience. She’s also a Registered Justice of the Peace (Qual).

Amanda wears many hats in our team and is our go-to person for support, making things happen and streamlining everything we do so we offer the very best to our clients.

Hi, I’m Amanda!

I absolutely love how rewarding our work is. It is sometimes really hard to see our clients trying to navigate a complicated issue with their Ex, but it’s very satisfying being able to (even in a small way) help them get back on track.

Every family situation is unique – there is definitely no “one size fits all” approach to family law. This makes our job interesting and challenging.

In my spare time, I love to take my camper trailer out with my family, relax with some craft, or tend to my garden.

Bespoke Family Lawyers Blog

How we move you from uncertainty to clarity

Our family lawyers will carefully guide through your separation using our unique pathway to a resolution approach.


Identify Needs & Pathway

This first stage is all about getting to know:

  • your goals, needs, interests and concerns
  • what’s important to you and your Ex
  • the issues that need to be resolved in your situation
  • the best strategy to move you forward


Gather Information

We will help you to:

  • understand the assets, liabilities and financial resources owned by you and your Ex
  • better understand the issues and any gaps in the information
  • engage experts to resolve issues
    make informed decisions


Generate Your Options

This stage is all about:

  • identifying your options which can include: property settlement, child support, spousal maintenance and parenting
  • considering which options are aligned with your goals, needs and objectives
  • providing you with legal advice about your situation and options
  • supporting you to make an offer to your Ex


Create Solution

We will work to create final solution that sets you up to live the life you want moving forward by:

  • negotiating with your Ex, often through mediation 
  • as a last resort, we may start court proceedings to get a structured framework to progress forward
  • recording the agreement reached so you have certainty and clarity as you move forward.

How we move you from uncertainty to clarity

Our family lawyers will carefully guide through your separation using our unique pathway to a resolution approach.


Identify Needs & Pathway

This first stage is all about getting to know:

  • your goals, needs, interests and concerns
  • what’s important to you and your Ex
  • the issues that need to be resolved in your situation
  • the best strategy to move you forward


Gather Information

We will help you to:

  • understand the assets, liabilities and financial resources owned by you and your Ex
  • better understand the issues and any gaps in the information
  • engage experts to resolve issues
    make informed decisions


Generate Your Options

This stage is all about:

  • identifying your options which can include: property settlement, child support, spousal maintenance and parenting
  • considering which options are aligned with your goals, needs and objectives
  • providing you with legal advice about your situation and options
  • supporting you to make an offer to your Ex


Create Solution

We will work to create final solution that sets you up to live the life you want moving forward by:

  • negotiating with your Ex, often through mediation 
  • as a last resort, we may start court proceedings to get a structured framework to progress forward
  • recording the agreement reached so you have certainty and clarity as you move forward.
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